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omega552003 Actually saw that flying into RDU after it cleared the airport.
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MVD Jr. "'Ay Bubba, you'uns shore this is whar th' Piggly-Wiggly Bags go?" Translation for Northerners; "Excuse me, Bubba my friend, may I make an inquiry regarding the proper method for stowing my...
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MVD Jr. The Father is a Piper, The Mom is a Cessna; resulting in one of the lesser known general aviation offspring, a "Cessper". Of course, the younger offspring are known as "New Cesspers", and are...
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MVD Jr. "Those connecting to our Pittsburg flight, please exit the aircraft at the forward left side as we pass over Gate 8, at a relaxed 160kts."
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747 I have had a nightmare very similar to this picture. Very Halarious
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747 I have heard the song by AC DC the razor's edge. This should have been on the cover.
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747 Hurricane or a Tropical Storm my guess is.
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